At Challney High School for Girls, staff are invested in ensuring that students are in school as much as possible. There is a strong statistical link between good school attendance and achieving good results. Students who frequently miss school may fall behind in their work which may affect their future prospects.
Good school attendance also shows future employers that a young person is reliable, more likely to achieve well and play a positive role in their community.
How to Report My Child Absent - Illness
If your child is unable to attend school, please report the absence through study bugs. You can find a link to the homepage by clicking here.
If your daughter is feeling unwell, please give her appropriate medication and send her into school. We will monitor her and send her home if she is not fit to be in school.
How to Report My Child Absent - Medical Appointments
Should your child require time off during the school day for an unavoidable medical appointment, it is your responsibility to ensure:
1. Your child has a note in their Learning Kit and/or a letter/card confirming the appointment time.
2. The note/letter/card should state the time your child will leave/return to school.
3. It is your child's responsibility to remember they have an appointment and they should come to Reception in order to sign out, prior to leaving. Your child will NOT be collected from a lesson.
If the appointment is after 10.00am, students must attend school and register. The medical appointment will then not impact on a child's attendance figure, as long as they return to school afterwards. If a student does not do this, each appointment will reduce a student's attendance by approximately 50% of that day (students receive 2 attendance marks per day, one for the morning and one for the afternoon).
An appointment letter/screen-shot of the appointment is required. Please arrange routine dental and doctor’s appointments outside of school hours or during school holidays.
We expect all students to be in school on time. School opens at 8.00am for students and we encourage students to be in school by 8.30am. We are preparing them for adult life where punctuality is an expectation. Students who arrive to school at 8.38 are late and are given a 30-minute detention on the same day. Parents/carers will receive a text message to inform them that their daughter was late for school. If your child does not attend the 30-minute after school detention, she will be given a 60 minute after school detention the following day.
Extended Leave Requests
Please do not take holidays/extended leave during the school term as this adversely affects your child’s academic achievement. A leave request form must be completed for any leave during term time.
For a leave of absence request form please click here.
The Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006 have been amended and came into force from 1st September 2013. Head Teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Penalty Notices for non-attendance are currently £80 or £160 if you do not pay within 28 days. Unpaid Penalty Notices, will result in prosecution in the magistrate’s court.