Special Educational Needs
Most students at various stages in their learning require additional support, some more than others, and at Challney High School for Girls we adhere to the national code of practice for SEND to ensure that students’ individual needs are met in line with the local authority offer which outlines what is expected on behalf of the local authority.
We are committed to ensuring all students make exceptional progress, regardless of any learning barriers they may face and we do this by embedding high standards and expectations for every child and supporting students academically and emotionally to achieve these
Challney High School for Girls is experienced in adapting to the needs of students with specific learning difficulties and is used to providing support for those students with a variety of needs including, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ADHD and physical disabilities or impairments.
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator monitors our annual intake to ensure that students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities have been identified. The student may then be placed on The School’s SEND Register and the Support Department plays an important role in supporting the student’s future education in the school.
Screening of students across the school takes place as part of monitoring progress in order to identify any students who might be identified as having SEND. Assessments are carried out to ensure each student’s needs are met. A ‘SEND Profile’ is compiled for all girls with SEND to assist their teachers in their classroom differentiation. Students might also attend one to one or small group support sessions if these are needed. Some girls are eligible for Access Arrangements in exams and this is identified and implemented by the subject teachers as a student’s normal working practice. Decisions about Access Arrangements are made based on the current JCQ Guidance.
Please click here for our current SEN information report
SEN information report 2022-2023
SEN information report 2021-2022
SEN information report 2020-2021
In line with the SEN Code of Practice the SEN information report is written in retrospect to reflect the provision in place for last academic year, therefore the current SEN information report is dated 2023-2024.
Key SEN contact information
Mrs L West is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and can be contacted as follows:
Telephone: 01582 571247
Email: lwest@challneygirls.luton.sch.uk
Luton`s Local offer
The Luton Local Offer helps you find information about local services, support and events for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
Please click here for Luton's Local offer
Useful links
Sendias Support
Helping children, young people and parents/carers to gather, understand and interpret information relating to special educational needs (SEN) and apply it to their own situation
Children’s speech and Language Therapy in Luton and Bedfordshire
This website provides great information for parents and carers about children's speech and language development.
https://childspeechbedfordshire.nhs.uk/Autism Bedfordshire
Autism Bedfordshire is a voluntary organisation offering specialised support to adults and children with autism and their families.