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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Challney High School

Vision and values

At Challney High School for Girls our vision is to ‘Develop influential women of the future’. We are committed to achieving academic excellence for our students and are committed to ensuring that they flourish personally and make a difference to the world around them: locally, nationally and internationally. We work tirelessly to ensure that the students leave Challney High School for Girls as happy, respectful and confident young adults who are ready to embrace the next stage of their education and careers.

Our work at Challney High School for Girls is guided by three values which appear on our school badge and which strike you as you walk into the school:

Respect: our school develops core values of respect, tolerance and kindness for all members of the school community.

Opportunity: our work focuses on memorable experiences for the students which extend their experiences and cultural understanding.

Achievement: our work is underpinned by the desire to ensure that students achieve academically more than might ever have been expected.

In our day-to-day life at the school we demonstrate our commitment our vision and values by:

  • Developing the highest standards of teaching and learning.
  • Working in a strong partnership with parents, carers and the local community.
  • Ensuring all members of the school community have the opportunity to make a difference to the world around them through social action and charity work. 
  • Setting and modelling high expectations and aspirations within all aspects of school life 
  • Nurturing students to develop leadership skills and cultural knowledge through planning memorable experiences.
  • Working alongside other schools to learn from them and share our practices.
  • Maintaining a focus on sustained and continued improvement through constructive evaluation.
  • Focusing on individual needs and provision in the most inclusive way possible.