Key Stage 3

When students join us in Year 7, they are given a ‘Careers Journey’ booklet, which prompts thinking and careers options for students. Throughout the academic year, dedicated registration periods will be utilised to complete these booklets and to enable discussions about careers to take place regularly. In Year 8, students will complete a comprehensive ‘Careers Interest Survey’ which allows the careers team and year team to have an insight into their current thoughts and knowledge in many areas related to their future options. This allows the Careers Leader to ensure the careers programme is fit for purpose and relevant to all students.

By the end of Key Stage 3, all students will have:

  • A better understanding of the full range of 14-19 opportunities for progression. 

  • A better understanding of their strengths and areas for development, and support to evaluate how these might inform future choices in learning and work. 

  • An understanding of some of the qualities, attitudes and skills needed for employability

  • Use of online resources to research information about opportunities to apply their findings to help make informed decisions about Key Stage 4 options. 

  • Received appropriate advice and guidance on Key Stage 4 options.

In order to achieve the above outcomes, Key Stage 3  students will follow a programme of careers activities as follows:

You can find out more about different careers and opportunities using the websites below:-

BBC bitesize careers -
National careers service - 
iCould - 
Prospects - 