Modern Foreign Languages


Year 7

Topic 1 Hello
Greetings, alphabet, numbers 0-31, months of the year, asking and saying your age/birthday.
Topic 2 Me and My Family
Family members, pets and colours, physical and personality descriptions, gender of nouns and word order differences, adjectival agreements, pronouns, the verb ‘to be’, present tense.
Topic 3 My School
Days of the week, school subjects, school timetable, clothes, opinions, differences/similarities between school in the UK and France, the verb “to have”.

Year 8

Topic 4 My Town
Types of houses, use compass points to say where towns are located, rooms in a house, places in town, saying what there is/isn’t in a town. Adjectives to describe a town, giving opinions and reasons, future tense to say what houses will be like in the future, conditional tense to say where you would like to live.
Topic 5 Food and Drink
Drinks, food, meals, typical French food, food/drinks you like/dislike, healthy and unhealthy food, times of meals.
Topic 6 Holidays
Holiday destinations, prepositions of place, transport, accommodation, questions, tourist attractions in France, weather, holiday activities, perfect tense to describe a past holiday.

Year 9

Topic 7 Shopping
Shops and products, quantities, prices, roleplay buying food and clothes, explaining problems with a purchased item, buying gifts.
Topic 8 Television, Films and Music
Television programs, timings, understand/give a film/tv programme review, use imperfect tense to describe a story line or plot. Different genres of music, musicians, give opinions/reasons on French TV programmes/films/music.
Topic 9 Crime Investigation
A series of activities relating to a Whodunit scenario based around a number of residents from a French/Spanish village. Students try to work out who is guilty of a crime using listening, deductive and elimination skills to work out meaning.


Qualification: GCSE

Examination Board: AQA

Exam Specification


This GCSE will help students to develop their language skills in a variety of contexts and give a broad understanding of the culture of countries and communities where the studied language is spoken. Students will be able to write, speak and understand the target language when it is written down or spoken. Students will use CD/DVD, interactive whiteboard, computer programmes and a great deal of authentic printed material.

Final Exam in Year 11

  • Listening worth 25%

  • Reading worth 25%

  • Writing worth 25%

A speaking exam is held in the spring before the summer examinations take place and this is worth 25% of the marks.